The Tierra Sagrada distillery is located in the heart of the Jalisco region, renowned for its optimal conditions for growing the finest agave. Here, the team blends traditional practices with cutting-edge technology to craft tequilas of exceptional quality. Tierra Sagrada Anejo is aged in carefully selected oak barrels, which impart their deep flavours and complex character. The distillery's meticulous attention to detail ensures that every bottle represents the pinnacle of craftmanship and heritage.
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Add items to your cart. Each order has a limit of 24 items. For example, you may add 24 bottles of wine or 12 bottles of wine and a 12 pack of beer.
Check your cart. When you view your cart while logged in, you will see if your order is eligible for Uber Direct based on your delivery address and the number of items in your cart. Select Uber Direct and proceed to checkout.
Receive confirmation and track your order. After checkout, you’ll receive an order confirmation via email and tracking details via SMS. You can view your order status and tracking information in your account, including driver location and ETA. You can also add delivery notes or contact the driver directly.