The bright hues of this wine anticipate the intense aromas of raspberry, strawberry and dried sage that lift out of the glass. The intense nose carries through to the palate where we find bright flavours of cherry, cranberry and citrus. This slightly off-dry, medium bodied JoieFarm Rose is crisp, bright and refreshing with a long clean and dry finish.
A very versatile wine that will pair with a variety of different foods from salmon to pasta salad to brunch.
The inspiration for JoieFarm in producing this Rose is the Pinot Noir and Gamay-based Roses of the Loire Valley, particularly those of Sancerre and Anjou. Appreciating the moderate alcohol and natural acidity that sets them apart from their southern Mediterranean counterparts. Pinot Noir gives the Rose strawberry and Montmorency cherry flavours and a lovely fresh body. Gamay contributes black cherry and spice and adds a little more texture and weight to the mid-palate.
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